Watch This Short Video And Shield Your Family's Health Today!

"I'm sorry, Mr. White… your daughter… is in critical condition… An airborne bacterium is eating away her lungs, and the damage is profound."
Those words rang in my ears like a death sentence...
I was in shock.
And all I could do was wait… and pray...
How did that happen?
How did I get my daughter into this situation?
How could the air we all breathe cause her so much suffering and pain?
My name is Thomas White.

And what I'm about to tell you will send shivers down your spine…
My beautiful, innocent baby girl almost died from breathing the same air we all take for granted…
The same air we live in, walk in, work in, fly in, or drive in. The same air we think is good, but deep down, we all know it's not.
Our society, our industry, our way of life has pushed pollution and pan-resisting bacteria levels skyrocketing during the past 100 years. And we right here, right now, are "reaping the benefits" on that. Over 50 million people living in the US suffer from asthma, lung cancer, bronchitis, pneumonia, and other pulmonary, gastro, and skin diseases.
Because the air we live in affects every single one of us in more ways than you think.

And unless you live in a secluded cabin in the middle of the woods, six thousand feet or more up in the mountains… then my baby daughter's condition or any other air-related ailment will probably find its way into your lungs (if it hasn't done that already)… And it might happen sooner than you think.
Personally, I hadn't given it much thought until I found myself running to the hospital with my daughter laying soft in my arms, gasping for a small breath of air, trying to fill her tiny lungs.
But that terrifying experience led me to discover a secret, amazing device that saved my little Emma from that dreadful, dangerous bacterium, helping her live a normal, healthy, and happy life.
Not only that, but it also destroyed all the viruses and other harmful airborne and water pollutant chemicals that were putting my family's health at risk… The same contaminants that you and your loved ones could be breathing in or eating right now…

I'm talking about an ingenious device based on technology NASA developed for astronauts on the ISS,
Where they need the most sterile, germ-free, bacteria-free, and particle-free conditions.

So, stick with me for the next 5 minutes, and I'll show you how they "generate" the purest air on Earth… in a place where they actually have to recycle it and breathe it over and over again…
And how you and your family can use the same amazing solution to improve your life and your health not only by purifying the air but also by providing the purest water and the healthiest food anyone could have…
But before we get into that, let me tell you about the enemy that's hiding in plain sight and how you will inevitably be affected by it, no matter where you live.
I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but you need to find out the truth in order to be prepared.
According to Harvard biochemists, the air we breathe is getting more toxic every year. And they're estimating that in 50 years, 90% of the Earth's population will suffer from at least one kind of lung-related disease – from asthma and lung infections to bronchitis and lung cancer… What that means is… it might not be you and me, but it will be our kids and grandkids.
And it's not something that's going to happen in the distant future… No… That process has already started… And it's already taking its toll on each and every one of us… and especially on our children who are more prone to such ailments…
The air-decaying process that's already begun is going to affect every aspect of our lives… from the way we travel to the way our children play…
Biochemists have studied viruses for decades, and the discovery curve has been spiking for the last ten years, especially for the last 2…
And the recent pandemic is only the beginning…
They are estimating pandemics such as this, which took so many lives and keeled over our economy, will happen every three years or even more often…
And the worst part is, even though we're just coming out of this one, we are not even close to being prepared for the next one…
Everything will be 10 times worse when the next virus hits…

The conventional ways of getting clean air, fresh water, or healthy food will soon be obsolete and won't help against new arising threats…
You won't be able to provide the fresh air your children need and deserve for a healthy, happy life…
And believe me… I've been there… I've held my baby girl in my arms, terrified of what could happen to her…
So, to avoid such extreme, tragic scenarios… to avoid putting your family in danger, gasping for a breath… you need to be prepared.
And today, right here on this page, you'll learn how to do just that… Because the ingenious portable device that NASA uses to keep ISS astronauts in top shape in the unforgiving environment of space has molecular-level purifying properties without the use of harmful substances…
It also has therapeutic and healing effects on a wide range of bacteria, viruses, or pollutant-inflicted diseases… And it actually saved my daughter's life…
And it doesn't matter if you live downtown where pollution levels are off the charts, or in the countryside where dust and other viruses feel at home… You and your family will always be safe because you can take this incredible device with you anytime, anywhere – in your car, hotel room, or even open spaces…
This amazing technique will destroy smog, odors, toxins, and heavy metals from your surrounding air…
It will purify water by removing chlorine and rust while energizing and also alkalizing it… And it will eliminate artificial hormones, antibiotics, and life-threating parasites from your daily food, such as meat, fish, and vegetables… No matter where you are or where you decide to go.
I'm sure you're already intrigued, and you want to know all about how this system works.
Honestly… It's like nothing you've ever seen before… And you'll actually be outraged you only found out about this amazing life-saving solution now.
So you absolutely need to watch this short presentation today while it's still up…
I don't know how much longer I'll have this free presentation online, so watch this right now while you still can...
But before we continue, let me tell you who I am and how it all started.

As I've mentioned before, my name is Thomas White. I'm a 47-year-old elementary school teacher from Augusta, Kansas, a small town near Wichita...

Happily married for six years, raising our beautiful daughter named Emma.
Folks who live here know that life in the city isn't the healthiest you can live…
However, we simply settled thinking, "That's the world we live in…" or "Maybe it'll be better next year," month after month, struggling with everyday problems…
In my case, trying to live a healthy life became even harder after Emma was born.
When we found out Jane was pregnant, I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait for little Emma to come into our family.
A few months after she was born, during a routine check-up, the doctor asked for some blood tests… Something wasn't right...
A few weeks passed, and we got the tragic news… Emma had a rare disease that affected her immune system and needed to be kept away from all forms of bacteria…
When I heard the doctor giving Emma this terrible diagnosis, I froze in my tracks...
After I got myself together, he explained that we have to keep our house sterile at all times because any bacteria she could come in contact with could be fatal…
So we thought of a plan…
We immediately hired a professional cleaning company that came every few days to sterilize everything, so we could provide a constantly fresh, bacteria and virus-free environment for Emma… (I'm not even going to tell you how much it costs…)

We cleaned our shoes every time we came into the house…
We washed our hands constantly…
We turned our families and loved ones away at the door and told everyone not to visit…
We avoided going near her without masks on… Actually, we were one step away from hazmat suits…
Not to mention the food and water Jane, my wife, had to eat or drink, so she wouldn't pass on anything while breastfeeding our little girl…
We struggled to make everything right for Emma… To keep her safe.
Then came the winter of 2019. December 19th. Thursday.
It was close to midnight when I woke up to my wife's desperate cries: "Tom, do something… please do something!"
Emma was coughing violently.
I jumped out of bed and ran to check on her, and when I saw her… I was petrified…
My wife was crying by our daughter's crib. And my little Emma was having a crisis like never before...
She couldn't stop coughing, gasping for each breath of air...
I was desperate; I didn't know what to do...
She couldn't breathe right. And she was crying through her already tired lungs...
I frantically called for an ambulance…
I could see the hopelessness in her eyes as she was struggling… not being able to get at least a little breath of air in her tiny lungs...
The ambulance came after what seemed like hours, and we rushed to the hospital.

To this day, I don't remember the drive to the ER that night. All I can remember is a looming thought that it might be too late...
We spent the rest of the night and the following week in the waiting room outside Emma's ward.
You can't imagine how I felt not being able to protect my family… My little baby daughter... It was the most devastating moment of my life.

I felt like my world collapsed.
I felt POWERLESS because there was nothing I could do to protect the ones I cared for most...
And I simply felt FURIOUS.
I was FURIOUS because I knew that besides her condition, I was the only one to blame for getting her in this situation... and putting her in danger.
I was FURIOUS for being COMPLETELY DEPENDENT on others to keep my daughter alive…
And FURIOUS about the fact that for so many years, I "let it slide" and thought, "Maybe it'll be better next year," while society bled my family and me dry… cashing out and not delivering the quality of life we all deserve…
It was at that moment that I realized I was at the end of my rope. I swore to myself I'd never put my wife and my daughter through that ever again.
Eventually, God smiled upon her… her cough calmed down, and her breathing improved. She wasn't healed, but the doctors allowed us to take her home… There wasn't anything else they could do but let her "fight it."
Her health was still fragile, so we needed to be extra careful…
I knew she needed a long-term solution to living the normal, happy life every child deserves… Staying in a bacteria and virus-free environment, difficult as that was, just wasn't enough.
So, I immediately began researching every single alternative I could find, to try and prevent my daughter from going through that ever again...
I made it my sole purpose… because leaving my family's wellbeing in the hands of others clearly wasn't an option anymore.
So I started looking at the problem from every angle possible… There had to be a way to break the heavy chains this tragic situation had around my family.
There had to be something.

Frustrated, I created a list of what I wanted my solution to look like:
- It should destroy bacteria, smog, odors, toxins, heavy metals, free radicals – anything that could harm my baby girl.
- It should be cheap and easy to obtain (or build).
- And easy to move. If we needed to take it with us, it needed to be something my wife or I could easily carry.
First, I looked into buying a top-of-the-line air purifier.
However, when I started to consider the costs, I realized I was looking at a minimum $7000 investment just to get a decent system.
But even then, it still wouldn't cover all of Emma's needs for a clean environment… Not to mention the electricity consumption. And with the current prices…
So this option was off the list.

Next, I considered using natural remedies.
I looked into Salt Crystal Lamps, Beeswax Candles, essential oils, or house plants that had special properties, but with the amount of information there was on the internet, I couldn't make sense of what was really good or really bad… and I wasn't even sure they'd be effective…
Plus, some of them were not recommended for my daughter's condition…

And I was back to square one… Now getting daily cleaning services that were slowly but steadily pushing me towards a second mortgage…
So I had only one option.
If I wanted to make sure my family never goes through such an experience again, if I wanted to keep Emma safe, I had to create my own solution.
It had to be something cheap… And fast and easy to build because I definitely didn't have any technical skills to build complicated devices.
Being a teacher doesn't really offer those kinds of skills.
So I started looking into every other solution or idea that could offer my family the health safety net and security I was so desperate for.
I went door to door and talked to electricians, air conditioner manufacturers, and biochemists from local universities. I started asking local car dealerships about pollen filters for luxury brands… I read everything I could find at the local library… I scoured the web for any crazy, weird… off the books contraption made by some cuckoo conspiracy theorist… And I even went down the online rabbit hole and got onto the dark web…
Many sleepless nights had passed, and I was getting nowhere... I was about to throw in the towel and get that second mortgage… That probably should have covered the cleaning expenses for about two years… but what would come after that?
I was desperate. Desperate to find a permanent, affordable solution to give my daughter a full breath of air and a happy childhood.
One day Jane reminded me about my late uncle Stan and his research in biotechnology.
Unfortunately, he passed away in 2009.
He worked for a big company, under NASA, in the fast-growing fields of biotechnology and biomedical research, trying to improve living conditions for astronauts on the ISS.
His ultimate life goal was to save the planet and offer our children a better life.

And as a professional biochemist, he had the resources he needed to do it…
Setting his goal to "Help humankind," as he said, he dedicated his life to discovering new technologies.
And he did thorough research on improving daily life both "in orbit" and on the ground, including the air, we all breathe.
I remembered him telling me how he also focused his work on sterilizing ER and operating rooms to provide the doctors with a sterile environment for every surgery they did….
So he thought about different air purification techniques to significantly improve air quality…
He told me about centrifugal separators and how the airflow is swung through the outside wall as it leaves the separator while keeping the toxic particles in…
However, that wasn't the solution for ER or operating rooms…
And clearly, it wasn't for me either. The investment was too big, and I certainly wasn't going to have such a complicated device around my house…
Not to mention the danger I'd be putting my family in.
So, while this option was off the table, I knew there had to be something in his research that could help me with my goal …
Without wasting a second, I took some time off and told my wife I was going to visit my aunt.
I kissed her and Emma goodbye, and I swore myself I wouldn't come back without the answers I was looking for.
I went to Springfield, Missouri, and talked to Jessica, my late uncle's wife.
She let me into my uncle's old study, and after many hours of going through dozens of projects, I found what I was looking for.
The incredible piece of technology that he pioneered.

It's based on a physicochemical process observable in nature: The selective collection of harmful particles and their decomposition. And it sounds a lot more complicated than it really is.
Everybody, including the top engineers at the company, was shocked to see how easy the principle was.
That very moment I realized the answer I was looking for was right in front of my eyes.
That simple process could hold the key to air purification and healthy living...
Let me explain the working principle, as I later discovered it:

By generating high-frequency pulses, he managed to trigger an accelerated molecular reaction that spreads rapidly in air and liquid media.
Thus, harmful microparticles (such as pollutants, bacteria, and viruses) are forced to detach and separate from air or water molecules and decompose into simple, harmless elements without the possibility of "forming new bonds."
That's the real secret.
What you may not realize, however, is just how efficient such a principle can be for all aspects of life…
Best of all, this process is extremely simple to reproduce and highly effective, even on a portable level.
And the fundamentals are so easy, yet few know this secret, and it is rarely used.
So, if properly applied, it can produce amazing results that eventually improve anyone’s health.

That was the solution to my problem.
I skimmed the plans over and over, and I realized that they held the key to taking total control of my whole situation…
But what I didn't know exactly was how to apply this unique principle and how to build the device to meet my needs.
I struggled to understand the plans for about a week when Jessica suggested calling Mark Willis, my uncle's best friend and colleague.
She told me he was one of the brightest engineers at the lab.
I called and told him my story and asked if he could help me decipher the plans my uncle had left.
Mark is an amazing guy, a brilliant scientist, and a true enthusiast in this field… And having a 5-year-old daughter of his own, he understood my pain… so he didn't think twice. He agreed on the spot.
However, I insisted to set some basic rules:
The device had to be incredibly cheap to build – I was already over my budget with the research, the trip, and everything.
And it had to be very easy to build – so that I could teach my wife how to build it if God forbid something were to happen to me.
So we started working on the project together.
As a biochemist, having worked side by side with my uncle in the lab for so many years, Mark knew exactly how to read and interpret my uncle's dusty plans:
"It's here, Tom. The old man's science is spot on. His plans clearly show how to get the purest air and the perfect indoor microclimate using his principle. "
The first models we made were either too expensive or too complicated for me to build.
We had some heated arguments, mainly because of me being stubborn – I needed the device to be cheap and simple.
But in the end, after several attempts, we finally came up with a prototype that was exactly what we were looking for.
And the design was brilliant...
We only used a small power source, a fan, and an air filter…
Combined, these materials cost us $93 at Home Depot...
However, I'm sure we could have found some of the parts at a junkyard for free if we weren't in a rush.
The most important part is that it was incredibly safe… No fire and no dangerous fumes released...
And because of its ingenious design… You simply had to place the components in the correct position for the perfect high-output, portable "sterilization plant"…
Even more, the system was actually incredibly easy to use - even if you're terrible at building stuff and have trouble connecting a DVD player to your TV.
You just switch it on and let it do all the hard work for you. One push of a button, and that's it!
So, after we finished building it, the next step was to test it out to see if it really worked as well as we thought it would.
We turned it on and measured the air values around it… And we just couldn't believe our eyes:
My uncle's technology ran flawlessly and provided a fresh, steady flow of highly oxygenated, microbiologically pure, bacterium-free, virus-free, and odor-free air…
But, after a few more tests, Mark came up with an idea that literally blew me away.
He wanted to try and use the device to purify water as well…
So, he put a small hose into a glass of water, and small bubbles started coming out of it.
"It's something your uncle explained in his plans but never actually got to test," Mark told me.
"Those bubbles are at the core of the water purifying process. They break up toxic micro particles, oxidizing and detaching them from water molecules, all while killing any harmful microorganisms or dangerous viruses in that glass of water. So, what you get is an odorless, colorless, chemical-free, clear, tasty H2O."
Even more, he told me that the process also applies to food if we submerge it in that water… Eliminating all the toxic and harmful substances, such as herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, artificial growth hormones, or antibiotics.

In truth, I almost couldn't believe how simple and efficient my uncle's idea was...
I was thrilled! I thanked Mark and rushed home. And to this day, I still can't remember the drive back. I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait to see Emma… To see my wife…
The second I got home, I plugged in the device and switched it on.
It ran perfectly.
We had it professionally tested and retested for air, water, and food quality to make sure everything was 100% safe for our daughter… and the results blew everyone's mind…
The quality of air, food and water it provided was off the charts…

From then on, we used the system daily…
And all it had taken me was several hours of my time and $93 in total costs...
It was simply… perfect! Emma was happy, giggling and laughing, and breathing normally… And my family was safe.
I felt so RELIEVED to know that she would grow up in a warm, safe, and comfortable home. And I loved the fact that I was teaching them such a great lesson about not being dependent on anyone but ourselves to provide security and a healthy life…
Now, that was about three and a half years ago...
Emma hasn't had a problem since, and my family and I have been healthier than ever… Living a worry-free life, we never thought we would.
And the system holds true both at home, where we use it daily, as well as when we go on vacations or even camping…
Plus, Mark reached out and told me about a few witty tweaks… So I managed to boost the performance of the system…
Well, before long, my friends and family members were begging to know my secret...
And when I showed them the simple system Mark and I created...
A lot of them had a hard time believing something so small could be influencing every single aspect of our lives in the most positive way imaginable…
But after I'd given them the simple building instructions... And they'd followed them and created their own portable "health force fields" in several hours...
They became believers FAST.
Because when they turned their purifying systems on for the first time, the results were the same:
An ABUNDANCE of clean, crisp, bacteria and virus-free air… And "on-demand" crystal clear, tasty water for a healthy, worry-free life.

With this amazing device, my relatives and friends managed to completely eliminate bacteria, viruses, and pollutants from the air their children and their families breathe… And also, remove harmful hormones and antibiotics from food and water, all through a 100% safe process…
Soon my friends were telling their friends about my little miracle device...
Until finally, the number of phone calls and emails from people asking me to share the plans for my "private health generator" became overwhelming...
Jane put her foot down and told me that I HAD to find a better way to share this one-of-a-kind idea with the world.
So, I went to work rewriting out the plans, the materials, and Mark's witty tips and tricks list and documenting the building process in a simple, easy-to-follow step-by-step guide and blueprint… That even someone who's never held a screwdriver in his life could use to make his own purifier in under one hour...
I called it Oxygen Pure System.

The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.
It's a step-by-step guide and blueprint showing you EXACTLY how to create your own "portable health shield" TODAY...
It's guaranteed to revitalize your entire body, strengthen your immune system and completely eliminate pollutants, smog, bacteria, and viruses…
The medical benefits this unique system offers have literally stunned doctors…
- It microbiologically purifies air, water, food, liquids, various objects, materials, and surfaces.
- It irreversibly decomposes harmful chemical formations, toxic substances, heavy metals, and free radicals.
- It destroys dangerous parasites and bacteria like Salmonella, E.coli, Listeria, Giardia, Dysenteries, Micrococcus Aureus, Botulinum, and hepatitis A and B viruses.
- It removes indoor mold, fungi, moths, beetles, and mites.
- It eliminates parasites, artificial growth hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and herbicides from food.
- It normalizes blood pressure, optimizes blood circulation, and boosts the immune system…

As you already know, this system was specifically designed so that ANYONE with only one hand can build and use… even if you have difficulties plugging in your phone charger.
In fact, you'll be shocked by how few steps there actually are... And how short the list of materials you need to build this really is.
And, in just a few minutes, you'll see exactly what those steps are, along with the short materials list that will help you build it from start to finish fast!
This amazing system, which I'll tell you how you can access in just a second...
- Has the highest sterilization levels, and it's more powerful and efficient than hospital-grade disinfectants and even operating room UV rays.
- It purifies water, removes color, chlorine, chemicals, heavy metals, and odors.
- It quickly removes various organic and chemical odors, even the strongest ones like cigarette smoke, fire, burns, mold, cooked food, fuels, varnishes and paints, rotten meat, sweat, and animal smell.
- It eliminates unpleasant and persistent odors from cars, kitchens, bathrooms, toilets, cellars, closets, refrigerators, closets, shoes, clothing, mattresses, pillows, carpets, drapes, and upholstery, but also from various containers or pipes.
- And it's efficient in the therapeutical treatment of over 200 diseases.

Even though it wasn't cheap for me to conceive this system – (I put a lot of time, money, and effort into it) – I think it's EXTREMELY VALUABLE...
Plus, because the files are something you can download to your computer, tablet, or smartphone...
You'll be able to follow them ANYWHERE, even if you decide to build your system down in the garage or outside.
You'll also be given clear guidance and written instructions detailing EXACTLY how to use the system for each part that it's designed for…
And all of the materials you need to build this will cost $93 TOTAL...
But, as I mentioned, you can probably find about 90% of those for FREE laying around your garage or at a local junkyard.
Additionally, you're also going to get a full list of tools, and you'll see exactly how to use each one to build the Oxygen Pure System fast, so you and your family can start living the healthy life you've always dreamed of… Starting today!
You will NEVER have to breathe dirty air, drink mucky water or eat toxic food for the rest of your life…

It's unique because:
- It's a molecular-level purifying technology and chemical-free solution.
- It structures, oxygenates, and alkalizes the pH of water molecules.
- It restores strong bioenergetic properties to water and oils.
- It's a natural process usually found in thunderstorms (that's how nature actually heals itself, cleaning the water and surrounding air from all the pollutants we put out).
- And it doesn't need to be kept running around the clock, but only in short programmed cycles.
And on top of all of that...
Oxygen Pure System is virtually maintenance free:
- It has no complicated electronics, noisy motors, or dust-lifting fans.
- It does not use filter cartridges that accumulate dirt and bacteria and doesn't need constant cleaning.
- Its sturdy case is childproof, so there's no risk of injury to your little ones.
- And with its simple controls and digital timer, it's incredibly easy to use even if you're 70 and your eyes are not what they used to be.
So with all of that being said, I want you to pause and think about this for a second...
How good will it feel to never have to think about your family breathing foul, toxic air again?
To never have to worry that your kids are ingesting antibiotics and hormones from meat, eggs, and fish… which cause severe imbalances in their bodies, stopping normal growth and turning them overweight.
That you're about to start the healthy life you've been craving for in just a few hours from now…
How happy are you going to be when you join the ranks of 73,568 freedom fighters who have already decided that they are FED UP with breathing, drinking, and eating harmful substances?
You and your family will be enjoying a healthy, worry-free life starting today… just by having this small but powerful system in your home…
So, I want you to think about what this will mean for you.
I mean, of course, there are other options out there besides this...
You could try to use professional air purifiers and eat and drink bio…
But the price is a big concern. And can you really afford to pay the thousands of dollars needed just to get a decent one?
Or buy alkaline water and expensive bio food, breaking your back, carrying it, and realizing after two days you need to do it all over again?
Why would you do that when you could get Oxygen Pure System today...
And take total control as soon as tonight?
This is my promise to you: if you use the step-by-step blueprints, the illustrated instructions, and the materials cheat sheet that I'm giving you...
You will have an ultra-low maintenance, highly efficient, pure-health supplying system that will protect you and your family from anything heading our way.

Plus, Oxygen Pure System:
- Uses less power than a bedside lamp.
- It is entirely environmentally friendly.
- It's a quiet, compact, and portable 8-inch cube weighing only 2 pounds.
- Has no wear parts, and there's no maintenance required.
And given all of that...
You're probably wondering what you need to do to get started…
And what the investment cost will be for the full guide, the blueprints, the materials list, and everything else that's included.
Well, first of all, let me just be clear about it,
There is no system like this available anywhere in the world.

Oxygen Pure System is the result of considerable expertise in the biochemistry field... and the contributions of 2 brilliant biochemists and engineers.
And beyond all the technical innovations that have gone into making this simple and easy-to-use system...
You also need to understand that this is about more than just healthy living...
It's about keeping your family safe.
The reason I am so passionate about getting Oxygen Pure System into your hands is that I NEVER want you to go through what I went through...
I want to give you the opportunity today to make sure that your home is filled with warmth and love... Guaranteeing that you're giving your family everything they need and want...
From fresh, clean air to extra healthy food and water that will prove crucial in the craziness of our current society and geopolitical climate… So you and your loved ones will always be safe no matter what might be heading our way…
Making such plans in the long term, especially right now, is a pretty big deal.
Especially when you can do it all without worrying about what your family breathes, drinks, or eats… ever again…
Ultimately, this is about taking action TODAY…
Ultimately, this is about taking action TODAY…
Because once you'll have this system up and running... it won't matter if you live in a crowded, polluted city, if you have asthma or if your stores run out of water (which may happen soon)…
The Oxygen Pure System will be a reliable asset, purifying everything, from air to water to food at a molecular level, and you will be PERMANENTLY insulated from bacteria, viruses, chlorine, odors, pollutants, and heavy metals.
73,568 smart and honest families have already made the investment in Oxygen Pure System
And the regular retail price is $149.
In my opinion, that's an incredibly fair price – especially because you can't put a price
But, while I do think $149 is a complete bargain...
I also know just how badly a lot of people are struggling just to stay afloat right now.
I've been there too:
I've held my breathless daughter in my arms and felt WEAK and HELPLESS...
I've felt like I had a gun to my head like I was being forced to choose between going broke... or putting my family's safety at risk...
That's why, for a limited time only... I'm going to cut the investment price for Oxygen Pure System by more than 75%.

The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.
Instead of paying the normal retail price of $149, which is what more than 73,000 individuals have already gladly done...
If you act today,
You're going to get the entire Oxygen Pure System package for just $39.
But, if you want to take advantage of this rare discount, you must take action right now by clicking the big "Buy Now" button directly below.
Just $39
The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.
As soon as you click that button, you'll instantly go to a secure checkout page where you'll complete your order.
It takes all of five seconds, and once you hit "enter," you'll immediately get access to the system.
You'll be able to view the complete guide, the blueprints, the illustrated instructions, and the material lists. And you can do it right from your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
You'll also be able to download all of the files, and you can print out as many copies of the blueprints and materials lists as you'd like.
As soon as you click that button, you'll instantly go to a secure checkout page where you'll complete your order.
It takes all of five seconds, and once you hit "enter," you'll immediately get access to the system.
You'll be able to view the complete guide, the blueprints, the illustrated instructions, and the material lists. And you can do it right from your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
You'll also be able to download all of the files, and you can print out as many copies of the blueprints and materials lists as you'd like.
Just $39
The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.
And if there is even a SPLIT SECOND where you feel confused or that you don't know what the next step is...
Or you just want to know if you can substitute one part for another (which a lot of times you can)...
Simply send me an email, and I will personally work with you to get your question answered.
There is only one thing standing between you and the total healthy life you've been dreaming of…
And that's the yellow button you see below right now.
But if you're still feeling unsure about Oxygen Pure System, then there's one more thing you should hear about...
And that's my 60-Day, No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee.
Here's how it works:
Right now, you just need to say "maybe" to Oxygen Pure System.

Click the yellow "Buy Now" button you see right now, and claim your instant access to the guide, the blueprints, the materials list, the unlimited lifetime support, and everything else that's included.
You will be shocked by how easy this is to build...
And you will be AMAZED by just how quickly Oxygen Pure System brings you the peace of mind and worry-free life you and your family deserve …
But if for any reason you're not blown away by the results...
Just send an email for an instant refund.

Say… you weren't satisfied with the time it took for the air to be purified…
You'll get an instant refund with no questions asked.
It's helped us more than we could have imagined since first using it three and a half years ago...
And even as you read this presentation, it's helping more than 73,000 families bring their kids up in a healthy, safe environment.
Right now, you have the chance to join all of us in the fight to take back your independence and health…
And you have a full 60 Days Money Back Guarantee.
But aren't you going to ask yourself why you didn't at least try Oxygen Pure System?
You could get furious every time one of your kids catches a virus or a bacterium, and you don't know how to treat it…
Or end up with back pain from carrying all that water… not to mention the costs…
But why on Earth would you make that decision?
Especially when all you have to do is click the "Buy Now" button below right now.
Just $39
The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.
Do that and you'll have full access to Oxygen Pure System.
The step-by step guide, the illustrated blueprints, and the materials list right now!
You won't have to worry for another minute about what you breathe, drink or eat…
You'll receive unlimited, lifetime support...
And you'll be covered by a full, 100% Money Back Guarantee that's good for 60 Days.
I think your decision is pretty obvious, but I can't click that yellow button for you.
So go ahead and invest in Oxygen Pure System right now...
Join the 73,568 thrilled families who realized that there is a better, simpler, and cheaper way.
And I'll look forward to seeing you inside that "members only" area in a few moments from now.
Thanks for watching.
Just $39
The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.
Still here?
No worries!
I know that sometimes it can be scary to take that first step, and you probably have a few questions.
So, to help you feel fully confident in the investment you're about to make, let me take a minute or two to go ahead and answer some of the most common questions I get asked right now.
- How does Oxygen Pure System work?
The system forces harmful microparticles (such as pollutants, bacteria, and viruses) to detach and separate from air or water molecules and decompose into simple, harmless elements without the possibility of "forming new bonds."
It's a unique concept based on a natural phenomenon found in thunderstorms that can be used in every home.
- What's Maintenance Like?
There's no maintenance whatsoever because the system is a set-and-forget device.
- Is Oxygen Pure System Hard to Build?
Not at all. When Mark was helping me to come up with the designs, I was adamant that this would be incredibly simple to build.
There's very little physical labor, so even the elderly or those with a bad back or other ailments should have no problem making it.
As a result, there are just a small handful of materials required, and you should allow an hour or two for construction.
If you're still feeling nervous, remember that the instructions are clear as day. Simply follow them, and you'll build it. It's really that straightforward.
Plus, if you do get confused for even a second, don't forget to take advantage of your free lifetime support that's included.
- What's Included Again?
Inside, you'll get my comprehensive guide showing you exactly how to build your own "Oxygen Pure System."
I made this guide with an "over-the-shoulder" approach, so it's basically like I'm there in the room building it with you.
You'll get the blueprints, full-color step-by-step directions, and the full materials list.
PLUS, your investment today will come with unlimited lifetime support.
This means you can email me anytime you have a question, and I'll promptly respond to you.
- Is There A Guarantee?
YES! Once you place your order, you have a full 60 days to check out the guide, blueprints, and instructions.
Just follow along, and once you start building, your system will be up and running in several hours.
If at ANY point you are unsatisfied or change your mind about this, just send me an email, and I will refund your entire investment – no questions asked.
- I'm ready! How do I get started?
Simply click on the "Buy Now" button you see below. You'll then be taken to a 100% secure checkout page, where you'll enter your order information.
After you've completed your order, you'll have access to my special "members only area." From there, you can instantly download everything.
Remember, you have a full 60 Day money-back guarantee here, along with unlimited lifetime support.
So, go ahead and seize your health independence now by clicking the yellow button below.
Just $39
The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.
Copyright ©
In order to keep him anonymous, the author used a pen name: Thomas White
If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]
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